Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Setting Goals

So today I set myself some goals that I hope will help in healing my body & mind - because that is what  I think the problem is...it isn't that I am FAT - it is that I am BROKEN.  My opinion of course...

  1. Keep Faith
    • I have always had faith - Faith in God - Faith in Family - but I think it may be time for me to roll myself into the middle of that Faith - I need to gain faith in ME
  2. Smile
    • I hear that it is a real thing that the emotions you express become your perception which in turn become your reality.  It won't hurt me to smile, if nothing else, I can cover my sadness and despair so others aren't brought down too...
  3. Lose Weight
    • I am TRYING - seriously - trying.  I'm sticking to it.  Not easy when friends have birthdays or the kids want to eat out, but I really am trying HARD to be on track...
  4. Set New Goals
    • This one is more than a personal thing - I need to set lots of goals, not just the Train Your Brain Goals...  Financial Goals needs to be included in this - also, professional goals.  I need to get my thoughts and actions straightened out so there is less stress in my life.
  5. Eliminate Clutter
    • Speaking of stress - let's talk about how bad having clutter can confuse the brain and the senses!!!  This is a combined goal in my home that WE reduce clutter and become less stressed.
  6. Encourage Others
    • I need to begin listening to and encouraging others.  Starting with the closest ones to me whom I love the most and hopefully this spirit of encouragement can spill into the lives of passers-by in my day-to-day journey through life.
  7. Turn Off Fears
    • Easier said than done.  This one is going to take some serious concentration.  For starters, I need to sit down and actually figure out WHAT my fears are, so I can shut them down one by one.  Baby Steps Folks.
  8. Increase Knowledge
    • Aside from the University of YouTube, I fully intend to better myself, learn everything I can learn, hopefully go BACK to SCHOOL and really get some knowledge in this brain.  Let's get 'er trained up!
  9. Forgive

Monday, August 11, 2014

Thought I was doing pretty good - maybe I am by someone's standards, but I don't think 'someone' has to look at me in the MIRROR - but I do - so for MY standards, I am seriously thinking today that I am not doing too great.

Frustrated, I sat down on the bed - at which time, I felt EVEN fatter, because the fatty parts just sort-of clumped together like a big ball of yeast bread waiting to be formed into buns.

Good news - tonight I did exercise however...so not all is lost.  about 10 min on the cardioglide - about 10 min with paper plates on the livingroom floor (sometime, remind me to tell you about THAT exercise - let's just say I won't be doing it in the presence of anyone - that will be an alone-time-exercise).

got down to 34 lb weight loss, but after all the eating this weekend, I am back up to 30 lbs lost......... now to start pointing the scale in the right direction and moving that way!!

Feeling really down in the dumps tonight - just down.  Is it a universal thing?  I see lots of people on facebook in the doldrums too.  Not good - I don't want to see that.  I am trying my hardest to smile and keep a chin-up-attitude. 

I just have to kick myself in the pants because I feel like 'I won't ever, EVER be that person...I am too far gone"  But I know that deep down inside me may not be 'that' person, but I know that there is an even better me - so I need to lose some of this fat outter shell so she can get out and be awesome.
Here I am - on ANOTHER diet.
Not just another diet really - my LAST diet.
This is going to be it for me folks.
Because I am going to attain and maintain my goal weight.
This is not an easy thing for me to do.
Not because it is hard to lose weight (which it IS!!!!)
but because I am being honest about it.
and honesty hurts sometimes.
And by 'sometimes' I mean ALL the time.

SO, here goes.  Another diet blog to join the masses - another diet - but NOT just a diet - this folks is the LAST DIET - because I am not just going on a healthy eating, exercise program diet, I am training my brain.
Follow along if you like - this is me - honest - and real.... there is your warning - you only get the one, so if you want to follow, you are welcome - if you don't, then leave now...because this is just real from here on out.\
(and not to sound mean, but this isn't for you, this is for ME)
The only reason I am blogging this is because I really need accountability - this is my way to look back and cheer myself on through victories and overcome failures.